Friday, March 28, 2008

In the eyes of a child

The other day Gabe and I had a conversation about strength.  He asked me to squeeze his muscle and see how strong he was.  As I did I said "Wow Gabe,  you are getting so strong!"  and his reply was "but I am not as strong as daddy,  daddy is so strong he is even stronger than..."  and a long space of time came as he searched him mind for the strongest person in the world.   I was anticipating him to say Spiderman or Superman or even a Ninja Turtle.  But after the delay of thought he replied, "daddy is even stronger than Jesus!"   Wow,  I stood there stunned.  How do you reply to something like that?  Of course there is no one stronger than Jesus I thought, but how wonderful that Gabe at 4 years old recognizes that Jesus has more power than even a super hero.   And even better,  how great in a child's mind that he can compare his own father to Jesus.  

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