There is nothing sweeter than when your three year old spontaniously stops what they are doing to give you a hug and tell you they love you. I had no idea it would be like this...times two! These moments are often now and I savor them. I hate to admit that as warned time goes by so quickly.
Favorite moments stay embedded in my mind. Claire and Gabe at their first swim lesson at age 2 1/2. Listening intently to the teenage instructor ask them to introduce themselves and me sitting a short distance away seeing the perplexed look on their faces as I realize they have no idea what "introduce" means. When the young instructor finally realized this she asked them to give their names and I see little Claire put her arm protectively around her bigger brother and say "I am Claire and this is my brother Gaby".
A night out on the town with dinner at a posh restaurant can not compare to an evening in where all gather in our bedroom to watch the kids do jump stunts off the headboard of our bed.
Who would have known I would be disappointed when Gabe learned to call his pillow, pillow instead of 'Padue" ? And will I be disappointed or just relieved when they stop having conversations about who has what body part and who doesn't while sitting in the cart in the check out isle of Costco?
I am learning more than I ever thought possible from a two three year olds. Things like special emergency techniques for getting soybeans out of noses thanks to Claire. And because Gabe takes anything he can get his hands on apart I have learned to be a handyman for home and toy repair.